
Ultimate Nokia service tool for professionals allow
using ORIGINAL software made by Nokia for flash, repair, calibrate,
tuning, unlock: Phoenix, Wintesla, Winlock.
Note: 6630 unlock is not supported
Flashing 6630 by DKU2
NEC 3G One Button Unlocker for PBB Supported models and
e228, e313, e313V, e313B, e313E,
c313, c313V, c313B, c313E,
e616, e616V, e616B, e616E,
n313, n616, n616V
- Reset codes counter
- Unlock all blocked phones
- Fast unlocking for all versions up to v22
- Unlock versions v22 and above after flash downgrade |
3 devices in one:
FLS-4, PKD-1 (normal) or PKD-1RD (Research and Development dongle).
Also have some limited FPS-8 functions enabled (flashing too).
Can use FPS-8 menu for flashing when in PKD-1 mode.
ดูรายละเอียดเพิ่ม...ed info than in FLS-4 mode when flashing in FPS-8 mode.
Updates and support is provided by Nokia software development team.
Work as PKD-1RD (more menus enabled in Wintesla/Phoenix)
R&D option in Flash menu for ADSP erase and blank check
TDMA, CDMA, WCDMA flash, repair, tuning, calibrate.
Bluetooth and ADSP repair and flash.
Usualy Phoenix software is updated by Nokia to support new phone types/models
BEFORE this phones reach the market.
So, no more need to wait like on 3rd party softwares (Griffin, Prodigy,
UFS) to receive updated software for new models.
And usually this take long enough time, because the programmer(s) of 3rd
party softwares like Griffin, Prodigy, UFS need to receive the new phone
model and make some research to update the software.
Can be used for more many things than any other 3rd party software,like
calibrate, tuning, testing, increase emission power, ...
For some operations is needed aditional equipment: RF generator, jig test,
frequency counter.
Also, any 3rd party software (like Griffin, Prodigy, UFS) just INCREASE
the programming bugs, because all of this softwares is based on research
made on original Nokia Phoenix tools.
Enable user to work with different Nokia phone platforms: GSM, EGSM,
All third party flashers cannot do many service adjustments nor diagnostics,
not to mention that they cannot be compatible with new upcoming models
of NOKIA phones.
Strong protection against cloning by using Schlumberger Cyberflex smartcard.
All boxes are fully tested and quality controled using JTAG technology.
Euros / 250 USD
Compatible with Microsoft?

1 year
Free software support